Monday, April 20, 2015

Presenting Poetry

Last week we started exploring poetry as a part of our new unit with the central idea, 
"Our uniqueness is expressed in creative and artistic ways."

We read a poem called "My People" by Langston Hughes, and presented it in different ways. 

Presenting poetry using gestures. 

Presenting poetry using our whole bodies. 

Presenting poetry using dance. 

We came up with unique ways to share the poem with the class!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Equivalent Fractions

Last week, we started our math unit on fractions. 

Some of us challenged ourselves by extending on our learning to explore equivalent fractions. 

We chose to share our new discoveries with the class!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Saving the Environment

For the past six weeks, we have been working on our unit with the central idea: 
Our actions affect the earth's resources and people. 

As a class, we thought about what we could do with our new understandings and knowledge. 

We decided to take action by creating a video about different ways to save the environment. 

Sit back and enjoy the show!