This week, we finally shared our exhibition space with our families. HOORAY!
If you were not able to come by or you did not have enough time to finish seeing all of the booths don't worry!
Keira and Clara S will take us on a VIP private walkthrough!
Below are some videos of us sharing our learning journey.
A Padlet has also been created with more detailed information.
Please click on the photo below which will take you to the Padlet.
The photos will become larger when you click on them. The videos are linked to Youtube.
Thank you to everyone who gave us a hand in our learning process. We couldn't have done it without the help of our mentors, experts, and family members!
Many of us are still working on taking action, and some are turning into long-term projects over the summer. We will be sharing more information about them in another post later.
Throughout this experience, we have become stronger, more confident learners with life-long skills we can apply in Grades 6/7 and beyond!
Way to go Grades 5 and 6!!!