Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Book Recommendation Fair

On Tuesday morning, the Grade 4 class hosted a book fair for the Grade 3 students. 

At their booths, the Grade 4 students recommended the favourite books they read this year.

After the fair, students from both classes researched titles of books using websites and links such as Bookopolis and Literary Hoots to create a list of books they would like to read in the summer and during the upcoming school year. 

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Visual Proof

In math, we have been inquiring into the question: What does a mathematician do?

Mathematicians do all of the following things below! 

Every day in math lessons, we confirm this idea by reflecting on what we did that day as mathematicians!

Over the past few weeks, we have been challenging ourselves to create visual proofs! In this way, we are building our communication skills so that we can prove our thinking to others. A visual proof should be easy to understand and not require any verbal explanations. 

We worked together to create success criteria and got started!

We made connections to the writing process to understand that as mathematicians, we also go through a drafting, revising and publishing process to improve the quality of our work. 

Take a look at our finished posters!

See you next time!