6/10/2022 Nesta Resort Field Trip!
6/3/2022 Creating a Board Game to Share Conflict Resolution Strategies with the Grade 2 Learners
5/27//2022 Cross Country and Sports Day!
5/20/2022 Fun on Sports Day!

5/13/2022 Coming up with skits on how to resolve conflicts
4/29/2022 Exploring the insides of computers (Part 2)!
4/22/2022 Exploring the insides of computers!
4/8/2022 The happy trio!
4/1/2022 April Fools Shenanigans
3/17/2022 Creating Covid Awareness Posters in Art
3/4/2022 Markus Sharing his Personal Inquiry Project Comparing Japanese and Danish Medicine
2/25/2022 Practicing Annotating the Text to Write Literary Essays
2/18/2022 The Premiere Screening of our Movie with Ice Cream
2/10/2022 Writing Poems with Extended Metaphors
2/4/2022 The Famous Balcony Scene from Romeo & Juliet
1/28/2022 Filming our video!
1/20/2022 Interpreting poems through illustrations
12/17/2021 Christmas Photoshoot and Field Trip!
12/10/2021 This week, we made a surprise visit to an art exhibition at the Kobe Fashion Museum!
12/3/2021 The school choir welcomed the German ambassador, Dr von Goetze to our school!
11/26/2021 Making Christmas ornaments with yarn
11/19/2021: Creating visual proofs for decimal multiplication
11/12/2021: Annotating texts for close reading using the signpost "Contrasts & Contradictions"
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