During the last week of school, we finished off our final unit of the year on 'How we express ourselves' by working with the Grade 3 students to prepare a flash mob.
Our focus was to use dramatic tools to create an engaging performance. We came up with our own moves and improved the quality of our performance by responding to feedback given by our teachers and other students.
Once we set ourselves up in front of Island Center Station, we were ready to rock and roll!
Check out our cool moves!
During this eventful week, we also celebrate reaching our goal of reading 500 books by the end of the school year. Our final book count on the last day of school was 535 books!
On Wednesday, we celebrated this major accomplishment by hosting a water party. Students from other grades who contributed ten or more books to our book count were also invited.
Here is our BEFORE photo.
We were so excited to get started!

Here, we have our AFTER photo!
Message from Miss d'Amours to the Grade 4 Families:
I would just like to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU for such an amazing year.
I truly enjoyed teaching this class and appreciate how supportive you have all been.
It has been such a pleasure and privilege to watch the students develop in their learning and to see their personalities unfold.
I know that all of the students are so proud of their learning, especially about their improved reading and writing skills, the creativity and passion they cultivated through Genius Hour projects, and the many risks they took in multiple subjects throughout the year.
As a teacher, I was particularly touched by their attitude of approaching learning with a growth mindset as well as by the inclusive and caring nature of the children which visibly strengthened as the year progressed.
I cannot wait to hear about all of the amazing things your child will accomplish in the future.
I hope that you will all have a fantastic summer!
Satya d'Amours