Wednesday, March 17, 2021

TED Style Talks

 Last week, we became experts on a political idea or type of government. 

Then, we put together a presentation in the style of a TED talk and presented the information in front of the class. 

Listed below are the success criteria we came up with to give an effective presentation: 

  • use pictures to enhance the presentation
  • speak clearly and loudly with good pacing
  • stand/move with confidence
  • make eye contact
After each presentation, we supported our classmates to understand the ideas presented through a Q & A session and by meeting with groups. Take a look at the presentations!

Teacher's Introduction & Oligarchy



Communism #1

Communism #2


We will continue exploring these topics to gain deeper understandings. 

We also did a simulation of what democracy was like in Athens, the most famous ancient Greek democratic city-state, that you can see below. 

Have a great spring break!

Friday, March 5, 2021

The Reasons Humans Explore Space


Last week, our fourth unit of inquiry about the solar system, stars, and galaxies came to an end. 

We used our research skills to find out the reasons humans explore space and showcased our findings by creating one-pagers. 

Take a look at our creations below!

Our unit display space below also documents our learning throughout each unit. 

We tend to start around the edge of the display space and work toward the middle where we make connections to figure out the central idea. 

We are often able to get our versions quite close to the teacher-created one, as you might be able to see on the blue sticky notes. 

This skill of creating central ideas on our own will be very useful and important during our exhibition. 

Have a great weekend!