Wednesday, August 25, 2021

First Two Weeks

During the first two weeks of school, we worked on various team-building activities to help us become comfortable with our new classmates and to learn to collaborate effectively. 

For example, on the first and second days, we got into pairs and answered some prompts while flipping bottles! 

We became quite skilled at flipping the bottles and learned many things about our classmates at the same time. 

Another exciting activity we did was the marshmallow spaghetti challenge. 

Using only 20 sticks of spaghetti, a meter of tape and string, we worked with our groups to design and build a free-standing tower that supports a marshmallow!

This task is related to our first unit this year but we don't know what it is yet...

In literacy, we took a deep dive into genres by sorting some books from the library, noticing features of the books, and also reading the front and back covers. 

Here are some photos of the completed sorts! 

Now, we are ready to start our first reading challenge which is to read 200 books as a whole class! 

This year, we have a new rule that if someone completes the 40 book challenge (see below), there will be 10 bonus points added to the class points!

And off we go!

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